#1 Tile Removal Company
Truly Dust Free Tile Removal Services and Contractors
Established in 2008

DustRam® Contractors Capture 99.9995% of the Carcinogenic Tile Dust

DustRam® Certified Contractors are trained extensively on how to use the +26 times patented system of dust-free tile removal. DustRam® is the inventor of the dust-free method and of the only dust-free system in the world that can remove tile better, faster, and cleaner than any other in existence. We have field tests to prove just how DUST-FREE we truly are. Hire a DustRam® certified contractor for the cleanest, fastest, and safest tile removal in the world.

Find a DustRam® Corporate Service Center
or Certified DustRam® System Tile Removal Contractor in Your City
On the map above, you will see pin(s) showing the current DustRam® Certified Service Centers either currently in operation or will be in process sometime soon or shortly, including current DustRam® Certified Contractors. All will have complete patented DustRam® Systems with over 250+ components.
We Remove Tile Floor Better, Faster, & Cleaner
BETTER – Our Method is Safer and Environmentally Friendly
The dust from tile removal, or any flooring for that matter, is the most significant residual contaminant, from a remodel, and must be managed, whether one is the homeowner or a contractor. Removing one square foot of tile can create up to one pound of dust. For the average bathroom renovation, 40 square feet, equates to almost 40 pounds of dust and debris, not counting the tile itself. This means your home will get exposed to many pounds of cancer-causing silica dust unless you are hiring a truly dust-free contractor. Only DustRam® contractors are able to capture the dust at the source and never release silica back into your home.

FASTER – Speedy Fast Services
DustRam® invented the revolutionary system that removes tile floors the dust-free way. Since DustRam®’s inception in 2008, over 23 contractors across the nation have been certified and trained by DustRam®. DustRam® also owns +26 United States patents on tools and equipment and uses the most technologically advanced system in the world to remove tile floor THREE TIMES FASTER than any other contractor can.
CLEANER– The DustRam® System Removes Down to 0.3 Microns of Silica Dust
With outdated methods like traditional and virtually dust free, dust will live in your home. These outdated methods capture some of the dust but not enough of it to make the exposure safe. If you choose an outdated tile removal service you will need a large amount of vacuuming, scrubbing, and conditioning of the room, and adjoining areas of the home. These methods expose your home to silica dust and will require the complete purification of the air ducts and possibly the A/C unit so that the dust doesn’t continue to push through the vents in your home. Exposure to silica dust is dangerous and should be monitored after your tile removal. The only way to combat this is by hiring a DustRam® Certified Contractor.

Do it Right the First Time - Choose Dust Free By DustRam®

Excellent Air Quality Results
Even small amounts of silica dust can affect the air quality of a home for an extended period. Dust from tiles and other construction materials is carcinogenic, as found by the Center for Disease Control, and is regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration due to its detrimental health effects. DustRam® is 50 TIMES BELOW OSHA’s Required Exposure Limit of crystalline silica dust. This means we do not compromise your air quality or expose you to dust. Saving a few extra bucks on your tile removal is not worth exposing yourself and your family to the dangerous dust known for causing lung cancer. The cleaning and health costs associated with outdated methods easily make them more expensive than DustRam®’s dust-free process.

Dust Free is the Most Effective Removal Method
Dust-Free by DustRam® is the most advanced process in existence because it leaves your home cleaner. Old-fashioned methods such as “Virtually” dust-free would be an improvement over traditional tile removal but both processes still allow contaminants to circulate within the home. Virtually dust free simply means you can’t see the dust but this doesn’t mean it’s not still there. Virtually dust free does not stop exposure to the cancer-causing respirable silica dust. Inhalation of silica dust puts you at risk for the development of several respiratory diseases like Silicosis. Dust Free by DustRam® is the safest and cleanest method because dust will never go airborne in your home.
Dust Free Costs are Better for Your Pockets
Silica dust exposure creates long-lasting changes in those who inhale it, whether on a brief occasion or extended time, over the years. With this in mind, the dust-free tile removal cost per square foot factors in much more than just a monetary price. You must consider the health of the household and employees, effectiveness, time of the process, and ease of preparation before and clean-up. DustRam® tile removal cost includes the patented DustRam® dustless process with speedy removal of flooring encompassing dustless thinset removal and minimal prep or clean-up required by the homeowner or contractor. Our dust free process leaves your home cleaner and your subfloor flatter, smoother, and better prepared for the new floor installation. No other service can compare to DustRam®’s dust free tile removal.
Have Questions? We Have Answers
The Best Flooring Removal Company and System in the World
When it comes down to choosing, the best way is to see for one’s self the value for the dollar spent — whether a homeowner is requesting a service, or a contractor thinking of purchasing the equipment to offer dustless flooring removal to their clients.
1. Safe, Clean, & Efficient Tile Removal Machines
The DustRam® System Equipment is the safest, cleanest, and most efficient way to remove the tile and other flooring materials from residential homes, businesses, and sensitive environments. Having a professional in one’s house or business would make the most sense.
2. Our Tools Cannot Be Rented
Due to its large number of components necessary to cover every process of removal, the DustRam® System is not available for rental from Home Depot or any other big-box location. A DustRam® contractor is specially trained on the patented equipment to ensure a thoroughly dustless removal of flooring for one’s home or business.
Become a Certified DustRam® Contractor
A licensed flooring professional or contractor can click here to find certain select pieces of the DustRam® equipment for sale. The DustRam® cost recoups quickly by the ability to offer a premium service to the discerning customer base found in every locale. Contractors who wish to purchase the full system (typically 250+ items) must come for training in Arizona to have a designated territory and must complete an NDA and the Contractors Addendum.
DustRam®, LLC, is seeking new contractors throughout the United States who are interested in this exciting new Dust-Free flooring removal technology. Imagine the opportunities to offer this unique service to the growing demand in your area, work more efficiently, and increase market awareness and profitability.